Thursday, March 20, 2008

How To Determine Your Ideal Weight

With approximately two-thirds of our nation overweight, and about one-third clinically obese, it's safe to assume that millions of Americans are looking to drop a few pounds. In their quest for fast weight loss, many people find themselves confused by all the online weight loss jargon and the staggering amount of weight loss information available.

Consider, for example, the hundreds of diet pills and weight loss programs on the market today. From Weight Watchers to the South Beach Diet, there are simply too many diet program choices for anyone to make an informed decision. Those seeking an easy weight loss plan soon find themselves overwhelmed with an overabundance of weight loss pills and diet products. Even worse, when the average person does experience rapid weight loss it may not be clear exactly what they've achieved.

The Most Important Question To Ask:

Before starting a new diet plan or spending money on a new weight loss product, it's important to first define your goal. What exactly do you consider your ideal weight to be? Are you looking to reduce your weight to _____ pounds, lower your body fat to _____ percentage, or lower your BMI to _____? Each measure of weight loss success has its advantages and disadvantages, and before you embark on a journey towards quick weight loss it's critical to understand the differences.

The Dreaded Scale:

Whether you're using a weight scale at home or at the gym, the chances are good that you've been taught to rely on the scale as your primary measure of weight loss success. This is a misconception that has plagued dieters for decades, and if you're seeking truly healthy weight loss it's a good idea to forget about that dreaded scale.

The best advice you’ll ever hear in regard to weight management is throw away your scale. The focus, or obsession, on weight is the very reason why most people fail. It’s misguided and dangerous. The focus on weight began back in the 1950’s when the definition of appropriate weight was simple. Your weight was compared against the ideal weight tables developed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. That insurance company designed a height weight chart based upon the average American citizen. If your actual weight was 20% or more above the table weight, then you were considered obese. If it was 10% under, you were underweight. Today, however, the term ideal weight is irrelevant.

The original weight table standards were designed for insurance purposes, not as guides for nutrition and fitness. These tables never considered body composition. In other words, they make no distinction between lean body weight and fat body weight. Most world-class bodybuilders (usually less than 8% body-fat) would be categorized as obese by the original weight tables!

As an example, consider these two characters: Jay Cutler (a professional bodybuilder) and Fat Albert. Both are 5’9”, both weigh 265 lbs. and let's say that both of them are 32 years old. (These are the real statistics for Jay.) Using the old ideal weight chart designed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, we find that both of these men are clinically obese! In reality, Fat Albert really is obese while Jay Cutler is one of the healthiest people on the planet. The error is that the height weight chart doesn't account for differences in body composition… only measures weight. Therefore, without taking lean body weight vs. fat body weight into account, it's impossible for the bathroom scale to tell you if you're at your ideal body weight or not. More importantly, when you do begin to lose weight fast the scale will never be able to tell you if you're experiencing fat loss or muscle loss.

What Is BMI, And Why Should I Care?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a relationship between weight and height that is associated with body fat and health risk.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is widely used to determine an individual's ideal body weight. Similar to the height and weight chart, it is essentially the relationship between a person's weight and height. The formula used to calculate it is: BMI= (Weight in Kilograms) / (Height in meters squared).

This measurement, also known as the Quetelet Index, was developed around 1830 to 1850 and is attributed to a Belgian named Adolphe Quetelet.

According to most experts, a BMI of 20 to 25 is considered healthy. BMI of less than 20 suggests an individual is underweight while 25 to 29 indicates an overweight person. 30 and above is a sign of obesity.

BMI provides an estimation of fat content in a person's body, and is probably accurate for most people. Results may vary, however, because BMI doesn't take into account the differences between lean weight and fat weight. For example, athletes may develop significantly higher muscle mass. Muscle contributes more to overall weight than fat. As a result their BMI may be higher than average despite a lower fat content. Conversely, elderly people who have suffered some deterioration of muscle mass may have lower BMI with higher fat content.

Again, using our Fat Albert / Jay Cutler example, we find that their BMI is an identical 39.1 (obese). Remember that we're using Jay's real statistics here, which you can review at, and Jay is certainly not obese! That's the danger of relying only on BMI as an indicator of fitness - without differentiating between lean body mass and fat body mass, the result is skewed.

Still, for the average American without Jay Cutler-size muscles, the BMI can be a fairly accurate measurement of health.

There are two convenient places where you can find a BMI calculator. First, just ask the friendly staff at your local Pick Up The Pace health club! They will be more than happy to calculate your BMI and body fat percentage using their Omron Body Composition Analyzer. Another resource is the on-line BMI calculator found at the Department of Health & Human Services site: Both sources are accurate and can help you determine if your BMI is in the acceptable range.

Body Fat Percentage Is The Best Measurement:

The way to measure and determine one’s fat to lean muscle proportion is to determine body fat percentage. The body fat percentage is the percentage of an individual’s weight that is fat. It is entirely possible for a person that's 'heavy' on the scale to boast a low body fat percentage. Jay Cutler, for example, weighs in at 265 pounds but has a body fat percentage well below 10%. Fat Albert, on the other hand, has a body fat percentage greater than 50%. Body fat analysis is the only method that truly reflects the fitness level of the person.

Sure, the Jay Cutler / Fat Albert example is extreme. Few Americans are as overweight as Fat Albert, and even fewer have the muscle that Jay does. But this extreme example does prove the point that weight control is best measured through body fat analysis.

Only body fat analysis allows you to determine whether you are losing fat or losing muscle. The difference is critical to your weight loss success story, since losing muscle will only lead to further fat gain. On the flip side of the equation, if your goal is to gain muscle then only body fat analysis will show exactly what type of weight you're gaining: muscle or fat.

In short, body composition testing (also known as body fat analysis) is the only proven method to accurately test whether or not you're at your ideal weight.

Recommended Body Fat Ranges For Women:
Age........Very Low........Rec..........High.....Very High

Recommended Body Fat Ranges For Men:
Age......Very Low.......Rec..........High.....Very High

To have your body fat analysis done, visit your local Pick Up The Pace fitness center. In just a few seconds, using their Omron Body Composition Analyzer, they will accurately and safely determine your body composition. Your personal physician can also perform this test.


Many Americans are trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, the best weight loss program doesn't focus on just weight loss but on real fat loss. When it comes to measuring progress, the scale and Body Mass Index (BMI) both fall short for many people because they don’t distinguish between lean weight and fat weight. Only body fat analysis can provide an honest assessment of whether or not you've arrived at your ideal body weight. So what exactly is your personal ideal body weight? Whatever you weigh when your body fat percentage is in the recommended range!

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Yoga Improves Strength

Yoga Improves Strength A number of people wonder if yoga can improve their muscle fitness and strength levels. While they recognize that yoga can help reduce stress and increase flexibility and overall health , when it comes to increasing muscle fitness people think it might the most appropriate exercise to do the job. But, according to experts, yoga can definitely make you stronger.

If you would like to really put your daily fitness routine in overdrive and get better results than you ever have in the past, you really should consider adding yoga exercises into your home fitness workouts. Unlike traditional weight building exercises, in yoga your body provides the resistance. While you are not likely going to produce the bulked up muscles of some weight lifters, you will certainly increase your muscle strength. In addition, some balance postures require enormous muscle control in order to prevent you from falling over. This helps to build and strengthen your muscles. Aerobic exercise is great for burning calories, and strength training works very well for strengthening your muscle groups, but yoga goes far beyond either of those forms of exercise and can benefit you both physically and mentally.

In addition to all its other benefits, yoga can help you improve muscle fitness and make you actually feel and be stronger. Whether you choose to use it as your primary means of strength training or you want it to supplement your other exercises, yoga can help your muscles grow fit, balanced, and strong. In fact, many poses in yoga are done very slowly or you are required to stay in a specific posture during several breaths. In fact, those who have experienced it, support that it is much more challenging to your muscles to hold a pose or do it slowly than it is to allow momentum to move you through an action.

Furthermore, while in weight training, you isolate a specific muscle as you perform an exercise and this leads to a short, tightened muscles, the muscles you develop during exercising yoga are more likely to be elongated, because as you are strengthening them, you are simultaneously lengthening them. Particularly, practicing yoga can help realign your muscles, so they are more balanced. You truly work your entire body when you practice yoga as you do not focus on an isolated muscle, but actively recruit the smaller muscle groups as well. Finally, since you are not overworking any specific muscle group, you are less likely to get injured.

Concluding, this type of exercising has a number of mental benefits, as the yoga positions and breathing exercises helped people focus inward rather than on the outward distractions of their lives. According to related literatures, Yoga is a science that has been in place for thousands of years in the Indian culture. It consists of ancient theories, observations and principles about the mind and body connection. Its aim is to unite the mind, body and spirit and if it is given the right tools and right environment, the body can find harmony and heal itself. Many support that this introspection helps them clear their mind and focus their attention on the more important things in their lives. In addition, regular yoga exercise routine can greatly reduced a person's stress levels. Since many yoga poses and breathing techniques encourage extreme relaxation of body and mind those experiencing the mental benefits of yoga can get rid of their daily stress and its damaging influences.

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Mesothelioma And Its Treatment

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura, but it may also occur in the peritoneum or the pericardium.

Mesothelioma is a disease that is almost 100% preventable; the only known cause is via exposure to the deadly mineral Asbestos. It comes from inhaling the particles of dust as the asbestos degrades; eating away at the lining of your lungs and developing into a deadly cancer. Dust that was inhaled in clouds of white powder, dust that was carried home on the clothes of the men who built this country, dust that was cleaned from the clothes by the wives and children who supported their sole provider at home, dust that was packed around the heating systems in houses and offices and schools, dust that carried a deadly price; and dust made a fortune in blood money for the companies that produced it.

The Different Types of Mesothelioma

A disease that has only started to come to light in recent years, mesothelioma is a cancer that normally presents itself in malignant form and results in tumours in and around vital organs of the body. The definition of the word mesothelioma is literally cancer of the mesothelium. The mesothelium is the sac that lines and protects vital organs such as the heart and the lungs, and this disease causes the cells of the lining to become abnormal and malignant.

The result of asbestos exposure, mesothelioma comes in three forms:

Pleural Mesothelioma:

The most common form of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. This is where the cancer affects the lungs and the protective lining and cavity of the lungs. The symptoms of pleural mesothelioma result from pleural effusion, which is a build up of fluid between the lung lining and the chest cavity. Sufferers of pleural mesothelioma may experience some or all of the following symptoms: difficulty in breathing, difficulty in swallowing, shortness of breath, persistent coughing, weight loss, fever, coughing up of blood, and rasping.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma:

A rarer form of mesothelioma is peritoneal mesothelioma. This is where the cancer affects the stomach and abdomen. The cancer can start in the abdominal area and spread to other parts of the body, but the tumours that press against the wall of the abdomen can cause some or all of the following symptoms: abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, breathing problems, chest pain, bowel obstruction, anaemia, fever, and blood clotting abnormalities.

Pericardial Mesothelioma:

The last and the rarest of the mesothelioma types is pericardial mesothelioma. This is where the cancer affects the heart and the cavity that surrounds the heart.

The tumours affecting pericardial mesothelioma patients can cause some or all of these symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, persistent coughing, and palpitations.

Treatment of Mesothelioma:

The most common treatments are:


A surgical procedure, known as pneumonectomy, can be used for pleural mesothelioma and involves the removal of the diseased lung. An extra-pleural pneumonectomy may be necessary depending upon the spread of the disease, and this may involve the removal of parts of the diaphragm as well as the lung. There is a high risk factor with this surgery, and its viability is dependant upon the patient’s overall health, smoking habits and the extent of the asbestos exposure. A pleurectomy is another type of surgery that may be used, and here part of the chest, abdominal lining and surrounding tissue may be removed.

Radiation treatment

Radiation treatment, which gives the benefit of treating the affected area without exposing the healthy cells and tissue, is another treatment used to treat mesothelioma. This is a speedy and commonly used method for many types of cancer, as well as mesothelioma. It works through the placements of radioactive sources in the affected area, which then give out radiation to kill off the abnormal cells. The radiation continues to transmit for around a year, working to destroy the tumour. Radiation therapy can be used alongside surgery, or if the patient is not well enough for surgery can be used alone.


Chemotherapy treatments can be administered in the form of pills or injected medication. The downside of chemotherapy is that the drugs used can contain high toxicity levels and can therefore make patients quite ill. Side effects can include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, weight loss and physical fatigue. There are also a number of post-chemo drugs that are used to alleviate the side effects of the chemotherapy. Because chemotherapy drugs are not targeted towards a specific area, they are left to make their way through the body and find the affected area. This means that they are also able to affect tissue and cells that are unaffected by the disease, which can again cause side effects.

Palliative Therapies

Palliative Therapies may also be used on mesothelioma patients. These therapies entail draining excess fluid from the patient through the use of a needle and suction. To prevent further fluid accumulation drugs may be fed through a tube into the chest following the fluid drainage.

For more details on Mesothelioma visit and

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Your Ultimate Guide For Acne Home Remedy

Acne is a skin problem widely known and experienced by almost all of our people especially teenagers and young adults. When not given enough attention and care, acne can actually give you serious problems. Nowadays, doctors and advertisements offer us different products that might help solve our worries about acne. However, it is still better if you can actually cure it before seeing or consulting your doctor. There are actually acne home remedies that you can find and use inside your home or in your garden. All you have to do is to know how you can use that acne home remedy to finally say goodbye to your acne worries.

It's not just for your teeth!

There is still no scientific basis nor findings yet that discusses how the toothpaste can actually lessen, if not cure, the spread of acne. In fact, it is one of the most widely used acne home remedy by people! It might be a result of trial and discovery that made the toothpaste serve not only to clean the teeth but also as an unusual acne home remedy! To use it, just apply it directly to your zits before sleeping. This is believed to help control the swelling overnight. Just make sure that it is not the gel but the paste.

The salty-sour way to get rid of Acne

It is actually previously proven that salt can be used as an acne home remedy. Just prepare a salt solution (salt added to warm water) and wash your face with it twice everyday. This will remove the excess oil in your face, the main cause of pimples. You actually have an option to add vinegar to it. Apply it directly on the affected area and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Fruity Procedures

Fruits are definitely not just for food! They are not only good for inner nutrition but can also be used as cure for outer health problems. You can actually use some of them to be your acne home remedy! One thing you can do is to place strawberry leaves just directly on the affected part. Another is by applying fresh lemon juice mixed with rose water in your face, leaving it there for 15 minutes. A continuous application of this for 15 days is believed to give you amazing results! On the other hand, ground orange peel added with water to make a paste and applied to the acne can also make your face free of acne again. Lime combined with rose water is also a recommended acne home remedy! Just apply it on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Juice made of Papaya apllied on the affected area is another great option. In addition, a paste made of ripe tomatoes is also an effective solution! That’s so many great acne home remedies to choose from!

The power of the plant species against acne

Like the fruits mentioned above, there are herbs and other plants that also proved to serve as a good acne home remedy. You can try methi (fenugreek) leaves made to a paste and applied to stay in your face for 10-15 minutes. Two cloves of crushed garlic applied twice a day is another choice, just bear with the strong smell of this acne home remedy! A combination of witch hazel, tea tree and sweet fennel essential oils put into water can also give satisfactory results. Just always stir or shake it before applying to the swellings twice or thrice a day. Use cotton wool everytime you put it on.Aloe vera is also proven to be great as an acne home remedy! Just make a juice out of it and apply it twice a day for the fast healing of your lesions. Cucumber will never be out of the list for beauty regimen. Apply a paste of it as a mask and leave it for 30 minutes. A paste of ground radish, as well as ground sesame seeds are also very good options when curing your acne.

Take it in!

Paste or mask applied to the face is not only the way of curing acne.

By Kirsten Hawkins
Visit more information on acne and acne treatments.

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How to Tone Up Your Cellulite Areas

You buy them and they don’t get the job done. Anti cellulite pills, lotions, gadgets, rubber tights and other silly money wasters that sell you hope and nothing else. The truth is, your best weapons in your battle against unwelcome cellulite are a smart nutritional routine and a consistent, properly structured workout program.

I’ll assume you have a pretty good handle on the nutritional component.

As for the properly structured workout program, which you may indeed have, I’ve put together a butt, hip and thigh routine which you can incorporate into your current workouts. This routine specifically targets the areas where the appearance of cellulite tends to show up.

Keep in mind, I’ve been training people since the late eighties. Speaking strictly from experience, I can tell you that the following routine is responsible for helping many women dramatically change the appearance of their cellulite areas.

Lying on your side, do 10 reps of each exercise:
1) Bring both knees forward so your hips are at a 90 degree angle. Then straighten your top leg out in front of you, still keeping 90 degrees at the hip. Lift the top leg slowly about three feet off the ground & down.

2) Straighten both legs so your body is in a straight line. Tilt the hips forward slightly. Lift the top leg about three feet off the ground & down.

3) Put your top leg out in front of you, on the ground. Move your bottom leg forward slightly. Lift the bottom leg about 8 – 12 inches off the ground & down.

4) Repeat all 3 on the other side.

On the elbows and knees, do 10 reps of each exercise:

1) Extend one leg straight back with your toe on the ground. Lift that leg up toward the ceiling & down. Then switch legs.

2) Lift your knee off the floor. Extend that same heel back and up so your leg is pointing toward the ceiling & then bring the knee back into you. Then switch legs.

Standing up, do 10 reps of each exercise:

1) Start with your feet together. Step out in front in to a lunge position. Touch the ground with opposite hand. Come back up & step back to the starting position. Then switch legs.

2) Put one foot up on a step (12 – 18 inches high). Slowly step up and down with the other foot. Then switch legs.

If this routine is easy try going through it twice. If you still need more of a challenge, increase the reps to 15 or 20 per set.

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The 7 Things To Look For When Joining A Gym

You’ve finally committed to getting fit and you want to join a gym, but which one? Unless you’ve been a regular at gyms in the past you really don’t know a good one from a bad one.

A good fitness center has their members as their number one priority. They are customer service oriented. A bad fitness center is only looking at your dollar value. Once you join they will not want to know you.

Telling the difference can be as simple as following this simple checklist:

Take a walk around the gym and have a good look at each piece of equipment. Get on and use some. If they grind, or seem loose or unstable then that’s a sure sign that the equipment is not serviced often. Any gym that doesn’t service their equipment is not going to service you.

This is a great way of seeing how important the owner’s business is to them. If it’s not cleaned daily then they’re probably cutting costs, which isn’t good for a prospective member. When you’re walking around have a good look at how clean the machines are. If they’re covered in dust, they are probably not cared for.

If you don’t know much about exercise and nutrition, this is the most important of all. A quality gym will want to help you in any way they can. You should be given a new program every 4-6 weeks and another fitness assessment every 8-12 weeks. There should always be someone around to answer your queries. The staff should also be friendly and easy to talk to.

Type of Gym
What type of people use the gym at the times you will be training? Unless you’re into bodybuilding you probably want to stay away from ‘muscle head’ gyms after 3pm. These gyms are easy to identify. They have loads of weights, no aerobic classes, and no (or very old) bikes and treadmills.

Are they constantly trying to push their products? This is often done with nutrition supplements. There’s nothing wrong with selling these products as some are quite good if you need them but some unethical centers try to push supplements onto all new members. If the salesperson or instructor seems pushy with their products, run for cover!

Whilst qualifications are important, it’s not everything. The most important trait in a good fitness instructor is that they must care. If they are tertiary qualified as well then you have yourself a great trainer, but even the most knowledgeable person in the industry is of no value if they’re not interested in helping you. It’s easy to identify staff that care because they are friendly, courteous, and listen! (They may even remember your name).

Membership Price
Every region is different but the membership price should reflect the service, equipment, and instructors. You shouldn't judge a fitness center on price alone (this is why they rarely give prices over the telephone!). Have a look at a few gyms in your area and compare each one. That is the only reliable way to measure true value.
By Ray Kelly
Sign up for his free 7 Day Weight Loss Course at

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What To Do With Dry Eye After Lasik

Lasik eye surgery is for people who are nearsighted or farsighted and have astigmatism. This surgery changes the curvature of the cornea, which is the outermost part of the eye. This allows the person to see without the need for glasses or contacts.

Most people have no trouble with their vision correction surgery. Less than 1% of people who have this type of surgery done actually experience any side effects. It is done on an outpatient basis and most people can return to work and to their usual activities the day after surgery. As with any surgery, there is always the risk of side effects. One of the possible Lasik complications is having chronic dry eyes after Lasik surgery. This is the most common complaint of patients who have had eye surgery. The reason for this is that vision correction surgery reduces the amount of lubrication that a patient’s eyes normally receive.

Dry eye problems can run the spectrum from less serious to more serious. A patient can experience itching, redness, and even pain after vision correction surgery. For some the problem is minor and can be solved with artificial teardrops or other types of drops or topical treatments for the eyes. Other people find that taking flax seed oil caplets helps, and that using a humidifier in their home also relieves that dry, scratchy feeling. For many patients, their eyes return to their normal or near normal lubrication levels in the weeks and months following their eye surgery.

If the dry eye problem is more serious, a tiny plug can be inserted that prevents tears from going to the nose and therefore allows for more lubrication in the eye. This plug can be removed in the future if the dry eye problem is resolved.

The best way to avoid any Lasik complications or side effects is to choose your ophthalmologist wisely. Make sure that they have the proper credentials and have done a large number of successful vision correction surgeries. Do not be swayed by discount offers on Lasik that seem too good to be true. You should always have a consultation with your surgeon prior to having any kind of surgery. A good surgeon will be able to tell you if you are a good candidate for this type of surgery, and will let you know if you would not benefit from Lasik. An experienced ophthalmologist will also be able to help you if you do experience dry eyes after Lasik surgery, they will be able to help you deal with the problem and lessen your discomfort until the problem is resolved. To get quality vision correction surgery, you need to be willing to pay a competitive price for it and do your homework when choosing a doctor.
By Bob Hett

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7 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting

1. When you have finished your meal, say an affirmation out loud several times. Here’s some suggestions: “I’ve now finished eating till lunch/dinner/6.00 pm.” (whatever is suitable given the circumstances) or “I have eaten enough food to last me till ….” or “I’m full and do not need to eat till …” Experiment to find the format that's right for you, and then say it with conviction several times preferably out loud at the end of the meal.

2. If you comfort eat to suppress emotions and stay cheerful, take the Bach flower remedy Agrimony. These simple, safe remedies based on flowers have been in use for over fifty years. They're safe to take even if you're taking medication.

3. Put your fork or your sandwich down between mouthfuls. This way you are likely to eat less and enjoy your food more - your stomach has time to register that it's full, which it doesn't have if you gobble your food down.

4. If you crave chocolate, try taking a zinc supplement or eating foods that are rich in zinc (e.g. seeds, leafy green vegetables and seafood). This is a magical tip for lots of people who thought they would never master their desire to eat chocolate.

5. Sit at the table to eat, but clear the table of bills, things to do, etc. It doesn’t help you to control what you eat if you’re looking at unpaid bills.

6. Drink more water – we often misinterpret the body’s thirst request as a food request. When you feel hungry, drink some water and wait a while to see if you really are hungry.

7. Use a smaller plate, so that it looks as though you have more. We eat with our eyes as well as with our mouths and stomachs. By Jane Thurnell-Read

Her web site is

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Exercise Is The Best Way to Lose Weigh

There are a lot of people who are overweight. This did not happen overnight so those who think this can disappear in a flash should think again.

There are many ways that the person can use to get rid of those excess pounds. Although science has developed diet pills and some have developed diet programs, the best way to lose weight is still through exercise.

Exercise is the best because it builds the person's endurance. As this develops, it also increases ones metabolism prompting one to burn more calories than before which results in weight loss.

Studies show that there are no known side effects when one decides to exercise. The worse that can happen to a person is straining a muscle for failing to stretch or by not giving the body enough time to recuperate before engaging in another session.

Teens dont have to spend much in order to lose weight. This is because there are some exercises that can be done at home. For instance, after stretching, the person can go for a walking or jogging early in the morning thus burning a few calories. Afterwards, the teen can do some push ups and sit ups to work on the upper body and the abs.

The other way that will cost a little will be by enrolling in a gym. Here, a fitness trainer can help the individual lose weight by coming up with a program that involves cardio-vascular and aerobic activity.

Warm up will be running for a few miles on the treadmill followed by some weight training using the various machines.

Teens who find it difficult to hire a trainer can make a workout after being taught how to use the equipment while those who have fun with many people around can join one of the classes being offered at the gym.

Some of the more popular group classes are aerobics, tae bo, Pilates and yoga. The person should just check what time the classes are held since this may be scheduled at different times of the day.

Those who are shy about being with other people but would still like to participate in a class can get the DVD version instead. There are a lot of these being sold in the video store or online which is just like being there and attending the real session.

One of the most important things to remember while exercising is to drink lots of water. People who fail to do this may suffer from heatstroke or dehydration which is also not good for someone who wants to lose weight.

Before engaging in any exercise, it is advisable to see a doctor. The mind may feel like it can do anything but if the body may say differently. The teen should just do things gradually at first and then pick up the pace with other exercises as time progresses.

Engaging in a sport is another form of exercise. Running down the court in a game of basketball or football may not seem like much but it still increases one's heart rate and burns those calories.

These examples just show that there are many ways how a teen can lose weight. There are people out there who sometimes need a little push to get started.


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Antibiotics - Misuse and Overuse

Antibiotics - Misuse and Overuse With the emergence of super bugs, there's good argument for being judicious in our use of antibiotics.

It's hard to believe that around a half a century ago, before antibiotics became widely used, just the thought of a bacterial infection such as strep throat could put the fear of death into parents. Fortunately antibiotics have virtually wiped out many of those illnesses that at one time were considered deadly. But that is not to say that antibiotics are the answer to every fever, cough and cold. As pediatrician Dr. Alan Goldbloom explains, antibiotics are only useful when bacteria cause your child's illness. "Probably 90% plus of all the infections young children get are caused by viruses for which antibiotics don't work. The number of infections for which antibiotics work is still relatively small. They are used for ear, bladder and some throat infections, particularly strep throat. For all the others, the flues, colds, etc., antibiotics won't do anything at all."

Unfortunately, we've become so accustomed to using antibiotics that they have often been either over-used or misused. Pediatrician Dr. Paul Theissen says that because of this overuse "we're seeing the emergence of serious bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics. This is the biggest concern about antibiotic abuse - the emergence of strains of very nasty bacteria for which we have no antibiotics with which to treat them."

Besides the advent of super bugs, there are other reasons why you should use antibiotics judiciously. "The reason you don't want to take an antibiotic if you don't need it, is to prevent the side effects to yourself or your child," explains Dr. Theissen. "Side effects include diarrhea, rashes, vomiting and sometimes a serious inflammation of the bowel. So there are very good reasons as to why you don't want to take an antibiotic unless you need to."

When a child's illness is due to a bacterial infection, antibiotics do play an important role in treatment. Still, proper use of those antibiotics is vital says Dr. Goldbloom. "What's really important is to complete the course of treatment. This is very difficult for a lot of parents, because the children seem to get better after three days of treatment. But often the bacteria lie around longer than the symptoms do. Therefore, for things like strep throat it often takes longer to eradicate the bacteria then it does for children to get better."

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Beauty and Health Tips

Beauty and health are the two sides of the same coin. You cannot possess either in isolation. Indeed a healthy person is naturally beautiful and the reverse is also true. It is a fact that health and beauty go hand in hand. Health is the metabolic efficiency in all people and beauty brings joy to the beholder. The following are some health and beauty tips that are simple and easy to follow.

Firstly, find ways to move your body. Always make it a point to use the stairs rather than elevators or escalators unless you are pressed for time. If you are overweight, eat less or exercise more to have a youthful body. The daily regime of either calorie restriction or exercise increase has positive effects on the body function. It is important to keep diabetes under control if one is diabetic or even take preventive measures to reduce the onset of diabetes and the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hyper tension, and cancer or lung disease. Sedentary lifestyle is the greatest bane of health and beauty. It is imperative to exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 or 6 days a week. Indulge in anything that moves your limbs. It is not only a beauty and fitness tool, but a stress reliever as well. You can move around in small time intervals. It will be definitely far more rewarding if you could devote 45 minutes to 1 hour for any physical activity.

The next of the tips is - learn to say no to fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Reduce the intake of cheese, butter, nuts, sauces etc. Drinking water is one of the best beauty and health tips we can all follow. Water is essential for virtually every function of the body. The average person needs 1 to 3 liters of water a day. Drink with meals, as well as before, during and after exercise. Remember during your workouts, cold water is more readily absorbed.

The most important of the beauty and health tips is to quit smoking. It is mandatory to be a non smoker in order to improve the overall beauty and health of the individual.

Try to reduce stress filled situations. It is always easier said than done. Devote 30 minutes a day doing something you enjoy. Keep your temper under check and count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Stay away from people whom you find difficult to cope with. It is also important to practice oral hygiene and stay in a pollution free environment to remain healthy.

Recent studies suggest that a glass of wine or one drink a day is good for the heart, but take it easy!Gulping down glasses of wine can cause health problems such as liver and kidney disease as well as cancer.

There are many health and beauty products available in the market right now. They bring in different promises, guarantees and offers. Think for a while before making the purchase. Collect the details of the products you intend to buy. You should ensure that the product will do well for your beauty and health which you are looking for in it. Health and beauty products do help to improve your skin, health and fitness.

The link between genetics and beauty and health is a powerful one. But if one follows these basic beauty and health ,it is possible to live a healthy and beautiful life.Finally, stay positive. There's an ultimate connection between positive outlook and healthy and happy living. We all agree to the fact that a beautiful mind exists in a beautiful body That is the best of all beauty and health tips. by: Mary Rose

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Mental Healthcare of Young Mothers

The birth of a baby can trigger a range of powerful emotions such as excitement, joy, even fears. But it can also result in something you might not expect-postpartum depression. It is a condition which affects the mental health of many young mothers. The symptoms are the following: strong feelings of sadness, anxiety, or irritability, emotional stress which interferes with taking care of self or family,tearfulness,trouble to motivate oneself to do normal, routine chores, compulsive overeating or diminished interest in food, lack of interest in self grooming, inability to sleep when tired or too much sleeping, trouble concentrating or making decisions, forgetfulness, loss of pleasure or interest in doing things which used to be fun, undue worry about the baby, lack of interest in the new baby, fear of harming the new baby, thoughts of self harm or suicide.

The causes of post partum depression could be hormonal changes. Sometimes the hormonal changes in a woman's body may trigger some symptoms. The amount of the two female hormones estrogen and progesterone increase greatly during pregnancy in a woman's body. During the first 24 hours after childbirth, these amounts decrease rapidly and keep dropping till it reaches the normal level. Apart from these biological changes, numerous physical, psychological and environmental factors also contribute to postpartum depression such as fatigue, broken sleeping patterns, insufficient rest etc.

There are various breakthroughs in medical sciences dedicated to the mental healthcare of young mothers. The most common treatment for depression is the use of antidepressant medication, psychotherapy or a combination of the two. The treatment depends on the nature and severity of the depression and to some extent on the individual preference. In severe cases medication is generally recommended under the supervision of a psychiatrist.

It is necessary to help young mothers cope with postpartum depression. It is to be borne in mind that everything cannot be done single handedly by the young mother. She should get sufficient rest when the baby sleeps. Friends, relatives or spouse can be solicited to assist in housework, baby care and cooking. The young mother should find time for herself and the spouse. One need not be guilty if the medications make it impossible to breastfeed the baby. A good mother is the one who takes care of herself so that she is able to take care of the baby. When the baby starts to have regular sleep during night, it is time to think about the mother's diet and exercise program to aid her get back into shape. Exercise and proper diet will improve the mood and give a boost to the self esteem as well. Breastfeeding will help to jump start on shedding the baby weight.

If depression is interfering with one's ability to take care of the baby, it doesn't make one a bad mother. Be aware of the fact that it is only a passing phase and can be treated effectively. It is imperative to get professional help and follow the doctor's instructions if one is suffering from postpartum depression. Finally, the support of spouse and family is vital to assure mental healthcare of young mothers. by: Mary Rose

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Dental Health Care

Dental Health Care is one of the best prevention programs to ensure fresh breath, healthy mouth and teeth for life. Dental diseases are not considered to be fatal .Hence very often people neglect the importance of oral hygiene. Nevertheless, the cost of dental disease in pain, suffering, treatment and loss of work is huge. Teeth are meant to last a lifetime. By taking good care of your teeth and gums, you can protect them for many years to come.

Tooth decay is not restricted to children's disease. It can occur to anyone as long as natural teeth are in the mouth. It is caused by bacteria that usually exist in the mouth. The bacteria stick to teeth and form a colorless and sticky film called dental plaque.

An important part of dental health care is to know how to brush and floss perfectly. Careful brushing each day removes plaque. In addition to brushing, using dental floss is required to keep the gums healthy. Proper flossing is imperative because it removes plaque and leftover food that a toothbrush cannot reach.

The following are the brushing Tips.Worn out toothbrushes cannot properly clean your teeth and may injure your gums. So it is recommended to replace them every three or four months. Teeth should be brushed gently with very short strokes and enough pressure so that you feel the bristles against the gums. The tips of the bristles do the cleaning, so it should not be compressed. Never use a toothbrush with very hard bristles .It can damage the gums. Teeth should be thoroughly brushed at least once a day, preferably twice in a day. Children should clean their teeth after every meal and at bedtime.

The following are the flossing tips.Flossing removes plaque and food particles from between the teeth and below the gum lines where the toothbrush can't reach. As tooth decay and periodontal disease often start in these areas, it's important to clean them thoroughly and daily. A commercial floss holder may seem helpful to use. Most children cannot floss their own teeth until age 10.

Gums may be sore and bleed for the first five or six days after you floss .It is a sign that plaque and bacteria are being removed. If bleeding does persist even after a few days it is better to consult your dentist. Exercise care while flossing as improper flossing injures your gums. Consult your dentist about how to floss properly, to avoid injuring your gums.

A healthy smile is a winner at any age. Eat a balanced diet and restrict munching snacks between meals. If you need a snack, choose nutritious foods such as raw vegetables, plain yogurt, cheese or a piece of fruit. Fluoride is important for both adults as well as children. Fluoride compounds are present in drinking water and some foods. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Replace your toothbrush every three or four months or sooner if the bristles are worn as it won't do a perfect job of cleaning your teeth.

Apart from following a good dental health care, it is essential to have regular check-ups by the dentist whether you possess natural teeth or depend on false dentures. It is also vital to abide by with any special treatments that are required to make sure of good oral health. For example, if you have sensitive teeth caused by receding gums, your dentist may advise using special toothpaste for sometime. If you have on false dentures, keep them clean and free from food that causes bad breath and gum irritation. Make sure that you brush all the surface of the dentures with a denture care product once a day. A common cause of tooth loss after one crosses 35years of age is gum disease which is also known as periodontal disease. This occurs due to infections of the gum and bone that hold the teeth in its place. Gum diseases are also caused by dental plaque.

Remember you can have just one set of natural permanent teeth in your lifetime. Take good care of it and the reward will smile back at you every time you look at your reflection. Keep away from activities that are harmful to the teeth such as smoking, addiction to caffeine etc. A healthy mouth is indeed an indication of a healthy body. By taking care of your teeth, eating a balanced diet and visiting your dentist regularly, you can have healthy teeth and an attractive smile your entire life. by: Mary Rose

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prevention Of Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can affect anyone who is overweight, has a poor diet, and a family history of diabetes. For many, there are ways to help delay the effects of diabetes through diet, exercise, and having regular checkups with a doctor to monitor blood pressure and cholesterol. Taking care of oneself before the onset of diabetes will make living with the disease much easier later on in life.

There are many changes people will have to make in order to live a healthy life. Though this may be difficult at first, the rewards later on will be plenty. Living a healthy lifestyle will make a person happier in their life, give them more energy during the day, and will prepare the body for illness and other complications down the road. No one likes to think about aging, but being prepared allows a person to live a full life.

If one is overweight, exercising thirty minutes a day and eating a healthy diet will cause the weight to decrease over time. This is the first step when making lifestyle changes. By losing weight, one will also lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This will also delay the onset of diabetes. The earlier a person can begin their new diet and exercise plan, the better off they will be.

After the age of 45, one should be tested for diabetes. This does not mean, however, that a person should not practice good eating habits before then. Prevention is about taking measures to deter the disease for as long as possible.
By Jeanette Pollock


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Understanding Asthma Treatments

Millions of people around the world suffer from Asthma, a chronic lung condition characterized by difficulty in breathing. During an asthma attack, the sufferer's airways become irritated and react by narrowing and constructing. That causes increased resistance to airflow, and obstructs the flow of the air to and from the lungs.

How is asthma treated?

Asthma is treated using two main types of medicines:

* Quick Relief Treatments: also called relievers. These give rapid, short-term treatment and are taken when you have worsening asthma symptoms that, left untreated, can lead to asthma episodes or attacks. You will feel the effects of these medicines within minutes.

* Long-Term Control Treatments: also called preventers, and are for people with persistent asthma, who need long-term control medicines. Preventers are taken every day, usually over long periods of time, to control chronic (long-term) symptoms and to prevent asthma episodes or attacks. You will feel the full effects of these medicines after taking them for a few weeks.

Drugs related to hormones.

rugs, such as those resembling two of our hormones, can help treat asthma. These two hormones are epinephrine (adrenaline in the UK) and hydrocortisone (a steroid). Epinephrine is pumped into our bloodstream when we have a sudden fright or emergency - psychologists often call this state fright or flight. Epinephrine is the quick-acting hormone from the middle of the adrenal glands near our kidneys. It makes your pulse race, your heart thump, and readies your body for emergency action. In asthma, the medicines which resemble adrenaline quickly relieve asthma for a short time, and are from the reliever family.

Hydrocortisone comes from the outer part of our adrenal glands, called the 'cortex'. It is also partly an "emergency hormone" but it works much more slowly, for much longer, and in a completely different way to adrenaline. Medicines which resemble hydrocortisone slowly allow the lining of air tubes in an asthma sufferer to become normal. As a result, your asthma becomes less severe and you are less likely to get asthma attacks. So these steroid medicines are part of the preventer family. Steroids are the most powerful preventers currently available.

Other long-term treatments include:

* Long-acting beta-agonists are bronchodilators, not anti-inflammatory drugs. These medicines are used to help control moderate and severe asthma and to prevent night-time symptoms. Long-acting beta-agonists are taken together with inhaled corticosteroids.

* Leukotriene modifiers (such as montelukast, zafirlukast, and zileuton) are long-term control medicines used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or together with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma or severe persistent asthma.

* Cromolyn and nedocromil are used to treat mild persistent asthma.

* Theophylline is used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or together with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma. People who take theophylline should have their blood levels checked to be sure the dose is appropriate.

Be careful. If you stop taking long-term control medicines, your asthma will likely worsen again.

Taking preventers.

Inhaled corticosteroids (or steroids for short) are the preferred treatment for controlling mild, moderate, and severe persistent asthma. They are safe when taken as directed by your doctor.

nhaled medicines go directly into your lungs where they are needed. There are many kinds of inhalers that require different techniques, and it is important to know how to use your inhaler correctly.

Usually the best way to take these medicines is to breathe them in. That is, you inhale them, through your nose or mouth. The reasons you inhale them are:
* Because you need less of the medicine.

* You won't suffer as many side effects.

* The medicine works more quickly.

The final point is particularly important with the adrenaline-like, fast-acting relievers.

Another advantage is that the hydrocortisone-like steroid preventers you breathe in can be chosen to be biodegradable inside the body. As a result, then can do their work in the lung, but don't get much of a chance to produce any side effects in the rest of your body, because your liver breaks them down.

In some cases, steroid tablets or liquid are used for short times to bring asthma under control. The tablet or liquid form may also be used to control severe asthma.

Taking quick relief medicines.

Quick relief medicines are used only when needed. A type of quick relief medicine is a short-acting inhaled bronchodilator. Bronchodilators work by relaxing the muscles that have tightened around the airways. They help open up airways quickly and ease breathing. They are sometimes called "rescue" or "relief" medicines because they can stop an asthma attack very quickly.

These medicines act quickly but their effects only last for a short period of time. You should take quick relief medicines when you first begin to feel asthma symptoms like coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath. Anyone who has asthma should always carry one of these inhalers in case of an attack. For severe attacks, your doctor may also use steroids to treat the inflammation.

Work closely with your doctor.Many people with asthma need both a short-acting bronchodilator to use when symptoms worsen and long-term daily asthma control medication to treat the ongoing inflammation. Over time, your doctor may need to make changes in your asthma medication. You may need to increase your dose, lower your dose, or try a combination of medications. Be sure to work with your doctor to find the best treatment for your asthma. The goal is to use the least amount of medicine necessary to control your asthma.

By David Drinkall

Source: Understanding Asthma Treatments - Relievers and Preventers

Millions of people around the world suffer from Asthma, a chronic lung condition characterized by difficulty in breathing. During an asthma attack, the sufferer's airways become irritated and react by narrowing and constructing. That causes increased resistance to airflow, and obstructs the flow of the air to and from the lungs.

How is asthma treated?

Asthma is treated using two main types of medicines:

* Quick Relief Treatments: also called relievers. These give rapid, short-term treatment and are taken when you have worsening asthma symptoms that, left untreated, can lead to asthma episodes or attacks. You will feel the effects of these medicines within minutes.

* Long-Term Control Treatments: also called preventers, and are for people with persistent asthma, who need long-term control medicines. Preventers are taken every day, usually over long periods of time, to control chronic (long-term) symptoms and to prevent asthma episodes or attacks. You will feel the full effects of these medicines after taking them for a few weeks.

Drugs related to hormones.

Drugs, such as those resembling two of our hormones, can help treat asthma. These two hormones are epinephrine (adrenaline in the UK) and hydrocortisone (a steroid). Epinephrine is pumped into our bloodstream when we have a sudden fright or emergency - psychologists often call this state fright or flight. Epinephrine is the quick-acting hormone from the middle of the adrenal glands near our kidneys. It makes your pulse race, your heart thump, and readies your body for emergency action. In asthma, the medicines which resemble adrenaline quickly relieve asthma for a short time, and are from the reliever family.

Hydrocortisone comes from the outer part of our adrenal glands, called the 'cortex'. It is also partly an "emergency hormone" but it works much more slowly, for much longer, and in a completely different way to adrenaline. Medicines which resemble hydrocortisone slowly allow the lining of air tubes in an asthma sufferer to become normal. As a result, your asthma becomes less severe and you are less likely to get asthma attacks. So these steroid medicines are part of the preventer family. Steroids are the most powerful preventers currently available.

Other long-term treatments include:

* Long-acting beta-agonists are bronchodilators, not anti-inflammatory drugs. These medicines are used to help control moderate and severe asthma and to prevent night-time symptoms. Long-acting beta-agonists are taken together with inhaled corticosteroids.

* Leukotriene modifiers (such as montelukast, zafirlukast, and zileuton) are long-term control medicines used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or together with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma or severe persistent asthma.

* Cromolyn and nedocromil are used to treat mild persistent asthma.

* Theophylline is used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or together with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma. People who take theophylline should have their blood levels checked to be sure the dose is appropriate.

Be careful. If you stop taking long-term control medicines, your asthma will likely worsen again.

Taking preventers.

Inhaled corticosteroids (or steroids for short) are the preferred treatment for controlling mild, moderate, and severe persistent asthma. They are safe when taken as directed by your doctor.

Inhaled medicines go directly into your lungs where they are needed. There are many kinds of inhalers that require different techniques, and it is important to know how to use your inhaler correctly.

Usually the best way to take these medicines is to breathe them in. That is, you inhale them, through your nose or mouth. The reasons you inhale them are:

* Because you need less of the medicine.

* You won't suffer as many side effects.

* The medicine works more quickly.

The final point is particularly important with the adrenaline-like, fast-acting relievers.

Another advantage is that the hydrocortisone-like steroid preventers you breathe in can be chosen to be biodegradable inside the body. As a result, then can do their work in the lung, but don't get much of a chance to produce any side effects in the rest of your body, because your liver breaks them down.

In some cases, steroid tablets or liquid are used for short times to bring asthma under control. The tablet or liquid form may also be used to control severe asthma.

Taking quick relief medicines.

Quick relief medicines are used only when needed. A type of quick relief medicine is a short-acting inhaled bronchodilator. Bronchodilators work by relaxing the muscles that have tightened around the airways. They help open up airways quickly and ease breathing. They are sometimes called "rescue" or "relief" medicines because they can stop an asthma attack very quickly.

These medicines act quickly but their effects only last for a short period of time. You should take quick relief medicines when you first begin to feel asthma symptoms like coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath. Anyone who has asthma should always carry one of these inhalers in case of an attack. For severe attacks, your doctor may also use steroids to treat the inflammation.

Work closely with your doctor.Many people with asthma need both a short-acting bronchodilator to use when symptoms worsen and long-term daily asthma control medication to treat the ongoing inflammation. Over time, your doctor may need to make changes in your asthma medication. You may need to increase your dose, lower your dose, or try a combination of medications. Be sure to work with your doctor to find the best treatment for your asthma. The goal is to use the least amount of medicine necessary to control your asthma.

By David Drinkall


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Asthma Natural Remedies With No Side Effects

There are many causes of asthma and each person can have different asthma attack triggers. So, each person may need to use a different medical approach and different asthma natural remedies.

Using drugs to control your asthma makes sense when you first discover that you have asthma provided your asthma is well established or life threatening. Once you have your prescriptions and your doctor's instructions, you should consider looking at or experimenting with natural remedies to control or even eliminate your asthma, since drugs are not a cure.

No matter what type of drug or inhaler you are using, they all have their side effects. The longer you use drugs or an inhaler, the less effective they become and most likely you will see side effects.

You should use asthma natural remedies when you are having an asthma attack or when asthma is under control. There are four areas you need to concentrate on when examining asthma natural remedies.

1. Reduce mucus
2. Reduce inflammation
3. Reduce emotional and stressful situation
4. Improve immune system

Reduce Mucus

By using various herbs you can control and remove mucus from your bronchioles. Test various herbs or herbal combinations to determine which work best for you.

Drink carrot and celery juice and drink plenty of water daily to help dilute and move mucus out of your body.

Reduce Inflammation

There are quite a few different nutrients that can help you reduce inflammation. You should consider using more than one at a time. Start with these and then experiment with the others.

* Add omega-3 to your diet by using flax seed oil or fish oil
* Use MSM supplements
* Take vitamin C supplement
* Systemic enzymes, try Vitalzyme
* Digestive enzymes

Reduce Emotional and Stressful Situation

Reducing stress in your life is a difficult area to deal with since some situations in your life are strongly anchored, like your job, your family, your friends, or marital situation. But if these areas are causing your stress and you frequently have asthma attacks, then you have to decide which is more important for you, your job or your health.

If your job is deteriorating your health, then start looking for a way out. This may require you to look for another job or to go back to school to get training for something you might like to do. Just take action and start changing your life.

Improve Immune System

Improving your immune system is accomplished through diet, through taking nutritional supplements, by reducing stress, and eliminating those conditions that overwork you body.

The fewer things your immune system has to react to and get under control, the stronger it is to take care of an asthma attack when it occurs. When your immune system has to deal with toxins in your colon and throughout your body, then it is weakened and not able to neutralize pollen or pollution you inhale from the air which can trigger an asthma attack.

Use drugs when you first discover you have asthma can make sense. But, if your asthma is light, then finding asthma natural remedies to control it, instead of using drugs, also makes a lot of sense.


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Monday, March 10, 2008

Causes of Dry Skin

Skin can become dry for many reasons, but more often than not it is a combination of reasons. In this article we are going to look at the many dry skin causes which will hopefully help you to look after your skin better and be more in the know about general skin care.

Dry skin causes can be:

Cold, wind, rain and low humidity. Environmental factors such as these cannot really be avoided, but there is one way which can really help keep your skin from drying so much. People are seldom aware how much central heating within their homes can dry their skin. Air humidifiers within the home during the winter months of central heating usage help to stop this from happening so much.

Exposure to the sun: Exposure to the sun is another cause of dry skin. It is highly important to use a very high factor sun cream to prevent skin from burning and becoming dry.

Excessive / Bad washing and skincare practices. When a person sees they have dry skin, their first thought can often be to apply water, to moisturise it. What this in fact does is wash away the protective sebum layer from the skin leaving the skin exposed to further damage. The way to moisturise your skin is to use a proper moisturiser regularly, but particularly after skin-damaging practices such as shaving or washing. Washing too frequently (i.e. : more than once a day) and using hot water as opposed to lukewarm water will dry your skin out. Using a flannel or loafer which scrub the skin will also remove more sebum and cause more harm than good, as will wiping or rubbing the body dry with a towel after bathing, as opposed to dabbing.

Vitamin A, B, C and Sulphur Deficiency. Most people consume lower than recommended levels of all vitamins, and could do with taking vitamin supplements. Vitamin A, B and C supplements will help the skin grow healthy, as will foods which contain sulphur such as onions and garlic.

Underlying illnesses. In addition to chronic skin complaints such as eczema, sometimes people whom have diabetes or under-active thyroid glands develop dry skin as a symptom. In these cases, the illness or ailment itself must be treated to minimise symptoms as well as a good skin care practice.

Aging. As a person gets older, their sebum production levels can drop, leaving their skin exposed to damage. The aforementioned skin practices will be more important to maintain healthy skin as a person gets older.

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What are AIDS and HIV ?

AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a condition first reported in the United States in 1981, that has since become a major worldwide epidemic.

AIDS is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). By killing or damaging cells of the body's immune system, HIV progressively destroys the body's ability to fight infections and certain cancers. The term AIDS applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infection.

How is HIV spread?

There are several common ways that HIV can be passed from person to person, including:

* Having unprotected sex with someone who is infected
* Using needles or syringes that have been used by people who are infected
* Receiving infected blood products or transplanted organs (Since 1985, the United States actively tests all donated blood for HIV; therefore, the risk of getting HIV in this way in the United States is now extremely low.)
* Transmission from mother to child – An infected mother may pass the virus to her developing fetus during pregnancy, during birth, or through breastfeeding.

If you have a sexually transmitted disease, you may be at higher risk for getting infected with HIV during sex with an HIV-infected partner.

There is no evidence that HIV is spread by contact with saliva or through casual contact, such as shaking hands or hugging, or the sharing of food utensils, towels and bedding, swimming pools, telephones, or toilet seats. HIV is not spread by biting insects such as mosquitoes or bedbugs.

What is the treatment for HIV/AIDS?

Although when AIDS first appeared there were few treatments, researchers have now developed drugs that can help fight both HIV and the related infections and cancers that come with it. Treatment advances have improved the survival rates and decreased progression of HIV disease in developed countries like the United States, where antiretroviral drugs are available.

Additional treatment information is available from the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases at NIH. The NIH is currently conducting many clinical trials related to HIV/AIDS to test treatments and therapies. These trials are sponsored and co-sponsored by various Institutes, including the NICHD.

The NICHD supports and conducts research related to HIV/AIDS in specific groups of people, including pregnant and non-pregnant women, infants and children, and adolescents and young adults. The information below applies to those groups.

How does HIV/AIDS affect women?

According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), 19.2 million women are living with HIV/AIDS throughout the world. In many countries, the rate of HIV infection in women is rising faster than in any other group.

Worldwide, more than 80 percent of HIV infections are spread by heterosexual sex (vaginal intercourse); women are particularly at risk of contracting HIV through this type of contact. HIV is increasing most dramatically among African American and Hispanic women.

Although most of the signs and symptoms of HIV infection are similar in men and women, some are more specific to females. For example:

* Vaginal yeast infections may be chronic, more severe, and difficult to treat in women with HIV infection than in women who are uninfected.
* Pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of the female reproductive organs, may also be more frequent and severe in women with HIV infection.
* Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, which cause genital warts, may occur more frequently in HIV-infected women, and can lead to pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix or cancer of the cervix.

The NICHD, along with other Institutes, supports studies to determine what aspects of HIV are specific to women and the best treatments for these symptoms.

How does HIV affect pregnant women and infants?

Women can give HIV to their babies during pregnancy, while giving birth, or through breastfeeding.

But, there are effective ways to prevent the spread of mother-to-infant transmission of HIV:

* Taking anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy—either a drug called zidovudine or AZT alone or in combination with other drugs called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)—a mother can significantly reduce the chances that her baby will get infected with HIV.
* Delivering the baby by cesarean section, and doing so before the mother’s uterine membranes rupture naturally, reduces transmission that may occur during the birth process. Use of anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy and delivery, combined with a cesarean section in women with certain levels of HIV in their blood, can reduce the chance that the baby will be infected to less than 2 percent.
* Avoidance of breastfeeding by an HIV-infected mother. HIV can be spread to babies through the breast milk of mothers infected with the virus. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that, in countries such as the United States, where infant formula is safe and is often available and affordable, HIV-infected women feed their infants commercially available formula instead of breastfeeding.

Approximately one-fourth to one-half of all untreated pregnant women infected with HIV will pass the infection to their babies. HIV infection of newborns is very rare in the United States because women are tested for HIV during pregnancy, and women with HIV infection receive anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy, cesarean delivery if their HIV blood levels are high, and are advised not to breastfeed their infants.

How does HIV affect children and adolescents?

It is estimated that approximately 10,000 children are living with HIV infection in the United States. In the United States, the number of infants born with HIV infection has dramatically decreased from about 2,000 a year to fewer than 200 a year due to identification of HIV infection in pregnant women and use of anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy, cesarean delivery, and avoidance of breastfeeding.

In contrast to the United States, mother-to-child transmission in developing countries remains a major problem; about 700,000 infants are newly infected with HIV each year because most women are not screened for HIV during pregnancy, anti-HIV drugs are not available, and safe alternatives to breastfeeding are not available.

Prior to 1985, when screening of the nation's blood supply for HIV began, some children as well as adults were infected through transfusions with blood or blood products contaminated with HIV, but this is now rare in the United States.

In contrast to the dramatic decrease in mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection, the number of cases of HIV infection in adolescents and young adults continues to increase in the United States. About one-third to one-half of new HIV infections in the United States are among adolescents and young adults.

Most HIV-infected adolescents and young adults are exposed to the virus through unprotected sex; some teens and young adults are also infected through injection drug use. In addition, an increasing number of children who were infected as infants are now surviving to adolescence.
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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Painful Breasts

Fibrocystic Breast Pain

Painful Breasts You might have fibrocystic breast pain. One third of all women will be diagnosed with fibrocystic breasts at some point in their lives. Fibrocystic breasts is a benign condition which should not be confused with breast cancer. Here are some tips to relieve painful breasts. You can reduce fibrocystic breast pain naturally.


1. Eliminate all forms of caffeine containing foods from your diet. This includes foods such as coffee and tea, chocolate, and soda that contains caffeine, like Coke. See Caffeine 2 for a list of caffeine content to popular beverages.

2. Decrease sources of estrogen from your diet such as commercially raised meats . These animals are often feed estrogen, especially chicken. Most poultry contain excessive amounts of hormones that are used to help them grow. Also, avoid prescription sources of estrogen such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.

3. Vitamin E, in doses ranging from 200 IU to 400 IU per day, may reduce symptoms associated with fibrocystic breast changes. Other vitamin suggestions include a B complex, and magnesium. There is now some concern that too much Vitamin E may become dangerous, so do not exceed the 400 IUs per day or consult your health care provider for their opinion.

4. Some people benefit from reducing their daily amount of sugar intake.

5. Eat about 5 almonds a day. Almond oil may also help fibrocysic breasts, they are rich in heart-healthy vitamin E and fiber.


1. See your gynecologist if these tips don't reduce your symptoms, or if you have any questions or concerns about fibrocystic breasts.

2. If you use natural progesterone, once you have achieved relief of symptoms gradually taper your dose until you find your lowest effective dose.

3. Wearing a good support bra during painful times is helpful for many women. Visit a local department store with a bra-fitting specialist for a proper fit. Wearing no bra will only make the pain worse. by Amy, RN

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Large Breasts And Back Pain

For some guys, it may be difficult to see a downside to women with large breasts. But for 1 million women who are?let us say "generously endowed"?it can be a source of considerable pain. Some women, in fact, suffer with severe pain, deteriorating posture, and are at risk for spinal deformity and other repetitive stress injuries to the shoulders and upper extremities due to their proportionately large breasts .

These problems result from changes in the normal anatomical structure caused by the excess weight on the chest and weak muscular support. Another fact related to this condition is that some women even feel ashamed and actually try to hide them buy altering their posture by allowing their shoulders to roll forward. This abnormal posture will possibly put pressure on an area of the upper body near the shoulder called the "thoracic outlet". When this occurs, a bundle of nerves and blood vessels can become compressed and cause pain and discomfort down the upper extremities.

Very large breasts not only can cause a reduction in the normal curve of the upper and mid-back region but will potentially also cause severe low back pain. When the upper vertebrae of the spine are altered, the lower vertebrae then assume more stress. The challenge for these women is to maintain an efficient posture through proper strengthening and "CORE" stabilization exercises.

Workouts may make it worse

Active women with large breasts are especially prone to back pain. Constant breast movement from high-impact exercise can cause acute pain due to muscular oxygen deprivation and fatigue. The muscles in the back bear a significant burden trying to support very large breasts during vigorous exercise

Physical therapy, posture exercises, and even pain medication are often a woman's first line of defense. Many doctors recommend purchasing customized bras or sports bras that can better distribute the substantial weight of large breasts across a larger area, thereby reducing muscle strain and improving overall breast positioning. This is especially important for women with a small frame, since their breasts place stress on a more concentrated area, it may be necessary to incorporate all of the strategies to get relief.

Let me explain

Before any women begins any exercise program that is intended to help with their back pain, they need to have to have a full physical assessment performed making sure that any postural dysfunctions are accounted for and their associated muscle imbalances are corrected. Muscle imbalances can be described as one muscle group being overly strong and tight and the opposing muscle groups weaker and overly stretched out.

Postural Dysfunctions can be described as abnormal position of the pelvis or abnormal position of the upper neck, head and shoulders. As we mentioned earlier, a woman can hold her shoulders in a rounded position, thus adding the weight of the breast and you now have the shoulders internally rotated, depressed and adducted, which will pull the head forward of the shoulder which in turn will cause the neck to be pulled forward and down.

There are many other adapted responses that happen including counter balancing the weight of the body in the upper spine as well as the position of the pelvis. It is the pelvis than usually accommodates the most while also having the greatest influence on the curvature on the spine.

What you can do before the last resort

What I have just described is a process that is repeated every day and no single piece of high tech diagnostic equipment available to the medical community can systematically piece it all together. There are many chain reactions that occur to cause low back pain which is why the physical assessments are so critical.

In this case, the assessments need to take into account the postural dysfunction of the upper neck back and shoulder as well as the position of the pelvis. Which muscles are tight and overly strong and which muscles are weak and not able to support the body adequately. There needs to be a comprehensive plan to accomplish a new resting tension or elimination of the muscle imbalances. Essentially a woman will be asked to do a very unbalanced workout to get back to a more balanced state and to a point that her body can support the extra stress, throughout the rest of her life.

A last resort

Failure to address the postural issues may result in a more drastic solution. There is a steady increasing number of women are choosing is breast-reduction surgery. Make sure to use this option as a last resort, since there are many risks and negative side effects from this operation.

In addition to the external scars, scarring inside the breast may also occur. Until recently, doctors were concerned that this might interfere with the accuracy of a mammogram?and in doing so increase the risk of breast cancer.

But it turns out that for some women, breast examination and mammography may actually be easier to perform after a breast reduction. "From the standpoint of the physical exam, it may be more difficult to pick up a very small lesion [lump] in a woman with very large breasts," says Charles Finder, M.D., a radiologist in the Food and Drug Administration's Mammography Quality and Radiation Program.

Other drawbacks to breast-reduction surgery may include a lack of sensitivity in the nipple and a decrease in sexual response. Many doctors also caution that there can be a significant reduction in milk supply after surgery. Some women find they can't breast feed at all.

On top of that, the average cost of breast-reduction surgery in the U.S. is close to $6,000 and can run much higher depending on where you live. As a result, many insurance companies have written breast-reduction surgery out of their coverage completely.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to surgery that can bring relief to women who suffer from back pain caused by overly large breasts. Muscle balance therapy is a safe and effective way to restore some stability to the pelvis and spine, in order to help the body tolerate the stress of everyday life for the women with larger breasts. by: Steven Hefferon

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Diet Tips for a beautiful female figure

Diet and exercise are the two main essentials in making and keeping the figure beautiful. No woman can reduce weight, improve a clumsy and ungainly figure, through exercise alone. Diet
comes first. Comparatively few women need fattening. What most need is reduction.


Yet for those whose figure needs building up and filling out, the following facts should be borned in mind. First, relax mentally. Worry and nervous tension use up calories — the calorie is the unit by which we measure heat and food — very rapidly, and tend to reduce weight below normal. Secondly, sleep enough and breathe fresh air in plenty. Third, exercise, to stimulate the appetite and aid all the organs of the body to do their work. Fourth, eat more of the foods that are high in food value. Butter, sugar, cream and cream sauce on vegetables, cod-liver oil and olive oil, are all fattening.


Do not cultivate fallacies, if you are fat and wish to reduce your figure in accord with the normal and ideal body measurements, . Shun antifat patent medicines and quack cures. Often they are based on mercury, arsenic or thyroid extract. Shun Epsom salts baths and too many Turkish baths. They do harm and no good. The reduction of calories is the real secret of
successful fat reduction, and a key to that unit of measurement will enable you to bring your figure within the proper limits, to keep your figure beautiful. The whole point is to know how many calories of food you need per day. Now, normally, a woman who does not work in any actual sense of the word, can do with 1,600 to 1,800 calories per day. If she follows some sedentary occupation, 2,000 to 2,200 calories will suffice her. If her business requires walking, standing or any lighter manual labor, she can run her calorie allowance up to 2,500. If she performs hard physical labor, she is entitled to 2,500 to 3,000 calories. All this is normally speaking.
But if you are too fat, if you wish to bring back your figure to its rightful lines, you must know what your ideal net weight should be in order to cut off the number of calories of food you do not need.

Among the kinds of food, note that Proteins, which build tissue and yield energy, may store fat.
Proteins are contained in meat, fish, fowl, nuts, milk, cheese, vegetables. Fats (animal fats, oils, chocolate, nuts) are stored by the body as fat. So are Carbohydrates (sugars, starches, including bread, cereals, potatoes, corn, etc.). Vitamins, food substances needed for growth, occur in animal fats, but not in vegetable ones, as also in eggs, milk, butter and meat, vegetable outer skins, grain germs and fruits.


These kinds of food must be balanced. If you balance them properly, you can reduce your figure
to normal without injuring health or keeping to a monotonous food diet. Proteins you must eat, but neither to excess nor the reverse. And you must eat Vitamins, which abound in nonfattening vegetables and fruits. Do not be afraid of drinking plenty of water. But do not exceed your calorie allowance. Without further theory we advise the woman who wishes to eat and grow thin to avoid the following liquids and foods.


Shun water during meals—it makes you eat more. Drink all you want between meals. Rich sodas must be avoided. But coffee in moderation and skim milk are not harmful. But every woman should know that all alcoholic drinks make her fatter if she is fat and thinner if she is thin, thus serving no good purpose. Each bit of food you eat beyond what your system and your normal weight, figure and calorie requirements demand, is fattening. Candy, pie, cakes, ice cream, whipped cream, candied sweet potatoes, cheese, rice, butter, fresh and white bread, rich meats, thick gravies and nuts are fattening.

Keep off fried foods, bacon, ham, pork, and all things made of flour, macaroni, dried beans, puddings, pastries and custards. But there are excellent beefsteak or lean meat, fruit and milk diets, the fruit diet especially being excellent for reduction. An occasional fast day, or certain days of low caloric eating a week are also good. A rapid method to reduce the overplus of calories is a diet of baked potatoes and a glass of skim milk, three times daily, for a week at a time. Or, instead of fasting altogether for a day, drink a glass of buttermilk every three hours. Again, small helpings of favorite fattening foods, or the dropping of one thing for another, will help attain the end — which is the reduction of your calorie overplus. This is the whole secret of reducing fat and bringing the figure to its normal physical best, its legitimate beauty of outline, where diet is concerned.


A number of excellent books which deal in great detail with the different ways of controlling the
calories, of reducing weight and fat, are easily available. We have gone into some details ourselves, although diet and fat reduction is here only considered in its relation to physical beauty. In the books already mentioned, numerous sample menus, etc., will be found.

Foods you can eat, and still feel you are not betraying your figure, include (1) Any meat or game, save pig. (2) All seafood, including lobster. (3) Fruit, with the exception of grapes and bananas. (4) Salads and meat jellies. (5) Tomatoes, peppers, olives, celery, cucumber, chili sauce and Worcestershire. (6) All fruit desserts.

Beauty and health go hand in hand. Your skin, your hair, your figure, if not healthy, rob your loveliest features of their charm. Make health the cornerstone of an intelligent study and cultivation of every iota of beauty which you have. Physical beauty, in the best sense, means well-rounded physical development on a health basis. Make the most of your figure and every charm you, individually, may possess. Such is the gospel of this article. If its teachings be followed, power— beauty's choicest secret — will be your reward. by Michael Fortomas

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My Husband is Cheating !

These are words no married woman ever wants to say, yet 60% of husbands have cheated, so if you haven’t dealt with it already, you may have to one day. When you discover your husband is cheating on you, it is devastating.

What do you do ?

First of all, you need absolute proof. If you have suspicions, they must be confirmed. Many a man has been driven to cheat because he thinks, “She thinks I am already, so I might as well go ahead.” You want to avoid that position.

Other women make the mistake of ignoring early signs that he’s cheating. There may be phone call hang-ups you’re ignoring, or he’s changed his schedule without a good explanation, coming home later at night, or not at all.

You know your man, and if he’s changed things in his life recently, and is acting distant, defensive, or irritable, you need to pay attention to your intuition. Some clues are losing weight and getting in shape, hiding credit card bills, being gone from home and blaming it on work, going outside with the cell phone (how many times can you “walk the dog”) or suddenly wearing cologne when he never did before. (TheCloser has a list of signs he’s cheating, articles and other important resources to help you in this difficult time.)

Suspicions are clues that you need to investigate. Many women stick their heads in the sand and refuse to face what they’re perceiving, but the longer you let it go, the less your chances for remedy.

So what do you do when, after weeks or even months of suspicion, you’ve had it confirmed either by personal discovery, or by hiring someone to investigate With the sure knowledge your husband is cheating, now you have to do something.

The last thing you want to do is suggest counseling. I first learned this tip from Dr. Huizenga’s book, “Break Free from the Affair,” and he’s a psychologist! Why not counseling Because, first of all, it rarely works. No one profits from anything they don’t really want to do, and it’s unlikely a cheating husband in the throes of an affair is motivated in that direction. He may agree to go, but when he gets there, he’ll sabotage, refusing to disclose anything. Think about it. Would you

Another thing to avoid is clinging and demanding. The reason this doesn’t work is that he has somewhere to go, to another woman who is all lovey-dovey, which makes you seem even more like a witch. As one man told me, “Why should I come home and listen to all that when I can go to The Other Woman and get some loving”

Men discharge emotion; they don’t like to sit with it. If you’re annoying him (I know that sounds unfair), he’ll go somewhere for some soothing. That’s just the way it works.

Also avoid comparing yourself to The Other Woman. Find out about her, if you can, and you’ll likely find out she’s very ordinary, and probably not half the woman you are. Some lack on your part isn’t why he’s cheating. Some women do benefit from seeing a photo of The Other Woman, finding out where she lives, etc.

Men cheat for various reasons, which often don’t have anything to do with loving you. It may be about ego – he’s suffered a setback at work, for instance, and feels inadequate, and that’s just the way some men’s minds work. Getting another woman makes them feel like “more of a man.”

Or maybe he’s somehow gotten the idea he’s inferior to YOU, which also certainly is not your fault.

The best thing you can do is take care of yourself. Coaching or counseling for YOU can help you stay centered, focus on the future, and avoid doing the things that may drive him away permanently or harm you. You should know that the majority of affairs are time-limited. Take a look at TheOther Woman, compiled from responses to a survey from women who were The Other Woman, and you will get some valuable insights. Often the man does not leave the marriage. He doesn't want to. He had no intention of doing this. I know this sounds like agony, because it is agonizing, so learning how to cope while this is going on can save your sanity. How you cope with this adversity will help or hinder when other adversities occur.

You need to figure out who you are and what this means to you in the long run. Can you live with a man who does this Can you forget Forgive How can you survive while you wait it out If he does give up The Other Woman, can you ever trust him again

These are big issues to deal with, none of which are your fault, you weren’t the perpetrator. It takes a clear head, and the ability to manage some very tough emotions while you consider the best course of action for you, and the children.

You don’t want to make a rash decision in the heat of the moment. If you want a divorce, are you prepared for one Will you and the kids be financially okay Do you know where the assets are What about medical insurance Child custody And how can you even think straight with that assortment of negative emotions overwhelming you and the person you would ordinarily turn to to talk things over and get perspective is the very person causing all the trouble

You don’t have to go it alone. There’s help available for you, so take advantage of it. Talking to your mom or your best friend isn’t enough, or even a good thing to do. What if you decide to stay with him Your mom and your best friend are generally solidly in your camp. If they take sides, which is what you expect them to do, what if you decide to stay with him They may say things about your husband they can’t take back that you’ll resent later on, and that will strain these important relationships.

One coaching client told me, “She kept saying how terrible he was, and finally I couldn’t help it. I told her all the reasons I couldn’t stand her husband. Then they got back together and she wouldn’t speak to me again.”

Arm yourself with information – both about what’s going on, and how best to cope with it. Develop your emotional intelligence so you can manage the emotions while making some important decisions. Take care of yourself and remember it isn’t about you. It’s about him and what’s going on with him, but the only person you can work on is yourself.

Article by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach

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